Marco Rubio Quotes on 2020 Presidential Bid

United States Senator for the State of Florida, Marco Rubio has publicly stated that he has no plans of running for the presidency in 2020, after his previous run against Donald Trump.

Below are some of Marco Rubio’s quotes on the matter.

“I’m not primarying the president, and no one else should either unless we want to lose the White House. I’m kind of approaching every day as if the U.S. Senate is the last place I’ll ever serve in public office and trying to make that meaningful.” – Marco Rubio, Reading Eagle, 13 August 2018

“I still peek around the corner every now and then, but by and large I try to be more and more focused on what’s in front of us.” – Marco Rubio, Reading Eagle, 13 August 2018

“Like anyone who is alive, and is watching, listening and trying to learn, time teaches you things.” – Marco Rubio, New Jersey Herald, 13 August 2018

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