Omarosa Newman Quotes on Trump Campaign

Former Assistant to President Donald Trump, Omarosa Newman, has shared her views on the arbitration action against her by the president’s campaign, which alleges that she broke a secrecy agreement.

Below are some of Omarosa Newman’s quotes on the matter, where she re-iterates that she refuses to be intimidated.

“I wanted to have this type of documentation so that in the event I found myself in this position where they’re questioning my credibility, saying they never discussed the N-word tape, they never heard these accusations, the president never heard these accusations when in fact this tape proves they discussed it at high levels of the Trump campaign.” – Omarosa Newman, CBS News, 14 August 2018

“I will not be intimidated. I’m not going to be bullied by Donald Trump.” – Omarosa Newman, Time, 14 August 2018

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